So I am procrastinating hard of late. I know this because of my renewed interests in anything but what I really need to be doing– that is, overcoming my hoarding and getting my place back to a clean slate. Lately I’ve been trying to learn Python and going through the basics. I’ve also been growing my small Discord server with a new and growing group of BG3 players. The tough part is when I reacquired this domain and setup a companion Discord server, I did so without any actual users.
So I created a structure thinking this might be as opposed to what I actually needed so I’ve been tweaking it and unfortunately Discord doesn’t seem to have any undo option. Meanwhile I am having access issues to my domain cpanel as my 2FA authenticator doesn’t sync up anymore. I can get into wp-admin and ssh to my cmd line via putty but without cpanel access I’d be doing everything by cmd line and that is a bit much. Meanwhile additional procrastination in the form of this posting.
I am still thinking about blank pages and editing the Menu bar to remove inactive or never was like Account and Shop and fleshing out others still blank like Tech and Gaming. I’m not sure what I want to say with each. Likely Tech would include my systems and what I am using along with studying while Gaming was going to be some ESO though I have been very inactive there and focusing on BG3 so now I am thinking maybe some documentation for those joining us on how to get modded quickly and easily. I also never got my Amazon Affiliation going by having any visitors let alone shoppers. I just forget how via the wp-admin to change this… Lots of cobwebs upstairs…
Meanwhile I continue to walk dogs and participate in a cardiac rehab program…